
11 Facts About Diamonds

As the number one private diamond engagement ring seller in Tucson, I’m often asked about diamonds. I have posted a great deal of information on my website here. This month, I thought you’d like to read a bit more fun facts.

1) Formation: Diamonds are formed deep within the Earth's mantle under high pressure and temperature conditions, over more than 100 million years. They are brought to the surface through volcanic activity in formations called Kimberlite pipes.

Diamond with many facets with blurred diamonds in the background

2) Hardest Natural Substance: Diamonds are the hardest natural substance known to mankind. This is because of their strong carbon-carbon bonds arranged in a crystal lattice structure.

3) Carbon Structure: Diamonds are composed of carbon atoms arranged in a cubic crystal lattice structure, which gives them their characteristic brilliance and sparkle.

4) Industrial Uses: Diamonds are not only used in jewelry but also have important industrial applications. Their extreme hardness makes them suitable for cutting, grinding, and drilling in various industries, including mining and construction.

5) Color Variety: While the most common color of a diamond is clear or white, diamonds can come in a wide range of colors, including yellow, brown, blue, green, and even rare colors like red and pink. The color is often due to the presence of trace elements or structural defects.

Pile of diamonds next to single diamond in tweezers and jewelers magnifier

6) Four Cs: The value of a diamond is often determined by the "Four Cs": Carat weight (size), Clarity (how clear it is from internal flaws), Color (how colorless it is), and Cut (how well it has been cut and shaped for optimal brilliance).

7) Cullinan Diamond: The largest gem-quality diamond ever found is the Cullinan Diamond, discovered in South Africa in 1905. It weighed about 3,106 carats in its rough state and was eventually cut into several polished diamonds, some of which are part of the British Crown Jewels.

8) Hope Diamond: The Hope Diamond is one of the most famous and notorious diamonds in the world. It is a deep blue diamond known for its size and history of supposedly bringing bad luck to its owners.

9) Synthetic Diamonds: Lab-created or synthetic diamonds are produced in controlled environments using advanced technology. They have the same chemical composition and physical properties as natural diamonds and are used in various applications, including jewelry.

10) Diamonds in Space: Some researchers believe that certain planets, like Neptune and Uranus, may have conditions that lead to the formation of diamond rain. High pressure and temperatures in their atmospheres could cause carbon atoms to crystallize into diamond raindrops.

Cut diamonds surrounded by uncut diamonds

11) Diamonds as Symbols: Diamonds have been associated with symbols of love, purity, and strength. They are often used in engagement rings as a symbol of eternal love.

I have bought and sold thousands of diamonds over the years and it would be my pleasure to help you. Please schedule an appointment And yes, I do accept trade-ins and buy old gold I'm a Private Jeweler and Tucson's full service jewelry store.

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